
Contact Us

The Catholic Community Foundation of the Diocese of Richmond

Feel free to use the form below to send us your questions or comments and we'll get back with you soon.


Planned Giving

Create Your Legacy with a Bequest

You may be looking for a way to make a significant gift to help further our mission. A bequest is a gift made through your will or trust. It is one of the most popular and flexible ways that you can support our cause.


Designate Your Beneficiaries

A beneficiary designation gift is a simple and affordable way to make a gift to support our cause. You can designate our organization as a beneficiary of a retirement, investment or bank account or your life insurance policy.


Free Catholic Estate Planning Guide

Are you ready to plan your will or trust? We would like to send you our free Estate Planning Guide. This guide will provide you with helpful information to provide for your needs, your family's future and favorite causes.


Charitable Gift and Financial Updates and News

Thank you for your interest in Catholic Community Foundation of the Diocese of Richmond. Our hope is to serve you and your family with helpful information.


Charitable Gift Annuity

A charitable gift annuity is a great way you can make a gift to our organization and benefit. You transfer your cash or property to our organization and we promise to make fixed payments to you for life at a rate based on your age.


Become a Member of the Lumen Christi Legacy Society

Members of the Lumen Christi Legacy Society are led by their faith and values to preserve our Catholic heritage and ensure everlasting giving for the future.
